Example Reviews:

Explore actual audits and real savings achieved through our services. Each review provides a clear, detailed breakdown of our process, showcasing the thoughtful rationale behind every adjustment. 

With our comprehensive comparative estimates and detailed claim reviews, your adjusters will be equipped with the insights needed to settle claims instantly and accurately—consistently and on schedule. 

The claim reviews below are real examples of our past work, and what you can expect every time. The names of contractors, insureds, adjusters and insurance companies have been removed for privacy reasons. 

Claim Review and Comparative Estimate #1

For your Claim #XXXXXX or your insured Insured Name, I have reviewed the water mitigation estimate and written a comparative estimate. My review is below, and the comparative estimate and Xact file are attached. I’ve also included a draft email you could send to Restoration Contractor when offering the settlement. Feel free to give me a call at xxx-xxx-xxxx with any questions/concerns or if you need any help responding to Restoration Contractor

Recommended Settlement Amount: $6,242.50

Restoration Contractor Estimate Total: $11,236.91

Water Mitigation Estimate Review:

Main Points:

  • Restoration Contractor estimated for a category 3 water loss. This was a cold water supply line, and photos do not support category 3 loss. This is at most a category 2 loss

    • Rewrote estimate and changed to category 2 loss.

    • Category 2 loss definition – “A category 2 water loss is when water contains contamination and has the potential to cause sickness if contacted or consumed by humans”

  • Restoration Contractor estimated and put “after hours” on everything. The loss should only be stabilized after hours. Normal work should be completed during normal business hours. They stated they came back after 5pm each day, which is unreasonable as work should be completed during business hours. Insurance Company only owes for reasonable repairs/remediation so I would not pay after hours beyond initial stabilization.

    • Rewrote estimate and changed items to lines for normal business hours. Left lines necessary to stabilize the loss as after hours.

  • Restoration Contractor included overhead and Profit.

    • Overhead and Profit should not be on the estimate. This is a single trade, mitigation. Overhead and Profit is only necessary on large losses with multiple trades to account for a general contractor.

  • Photos look like they were taken after mitigation was completed by an adjuster or IA? Did Mitigation Company provide photos?

    • If mitigation company did not provide photos, I recommend requesting photos before work was completed, during work, after work was completed, and photos of equipment onsite. I can take a closer look at equipment and the exact work they did and ensure everything in estimate is supported.

Changes to Estimate:

-Did not include changing from After Hours to Business Hours or Changes from Cat 3 to Cat 2 as every line was changed.


  • 3. Clean floor – Heavy

    • Restoration Contractor removed the floating floor, then extracted the water. The floor shouldn’t need to be cleaned. No photos to support this.

  • 4. Remove Quarter round - 3/4"

    • I did not see quarter round in photos so I did not include

    • Normally this is included when removing baseboards. Should only be used if your removing quarter round and not baseboards.

  • 5. Tear out baseboard and bag for disp. – up to Cat 3 aft hrs

    • Changed to Tear Out Baseboards. Baseboards do not need to be bagged on a cat 2 loss, this does not need to be done after hours

  • 9. Clean stud wall – Heavy

    • Changed to clean stud wall. Heavy cleaning is not needed, pictures after do not support. Left in HEPA Vacuuming as a compromise.

  • 12/13 - 12. Detach & Reset Sink faucet – Bathroom // 13. Sink - single basin - Detach – after hours

    • Removed line 12. It is included in line 13 per xact description “Note: Labor cost to detach single bowl sink and faucet and store on site.”

    • Changed to normal hours. This should be done during normal business hours.

Laundry Room

  • 27. Tear out non-salv floating floor & bag- Cat 3 wtr-aft hrs

    • Photo report looks like it was taken after mitigation was complete by an adjuster, and it looks like some flooring is still there. If this is correct and mitigation was complete when those photos were taken, let me know and I will revise to remove sqft they didn’t remove

    • Changed to normal hours.

  • 28. Clean floor – Heavy

    • They removed the floating floor, then extracted the water. The floor shouldn’t need to be cleaned

    • They have 278.06 SF. SF Floor is only 145.06SF?

  • 29. Remove Quarter round - 3/4"

    • I did not see quarter round in photos so I did not include

  • Normally this is included when removing baseboards. Should only be used if your removing quarter round and not baseboards.

  • 35. Clean stud wall – Heavy

    • Changed to clean stud wall. Heavy cleaning is not needed, pictures after do not support. Left in HEPA Vacuuming as a compromise.

  • 37. Washer/Washing machine – Detach – After Hours // 38. Dryer - electric - Detach – after hours

    • Changed to normal hours

    • Washing Machine / Dryer were not detached on photo sheet. Unsure if photos are before mitigation was completed or mitigation company detached then moved back to spot they were installed? If you want this line removed let me know.


  • 50. Respirator - Full face - multi- purpose resp. (per day) / 51. Respirator cartridge - HEPA only

    • They have already included n-95 mask. An n-95 mask is what should be used on a cat 2 loss. Full face respirator is excessive. As respirator was removed, removing line 51, cartridges.

  • 52. Floor protection - heavy paper and tape

    • I did not see any floor protection in photo

    • They removed the floating flooring.  Heavy floor protection is not necessary as there’s nothing to protect. Removed this line.

  • 53. Add for HEPA filter (for canister/backpack vacuums)

    • Changed qty from 2 to 1. Only 1 vacuum filter is necessary for a loss of this size.

  • 55. Equipment decontamination charge – HVY, per piece of equip

    • Insurance Company does not owe to decontaminate the mitigation equipment. No reason equipment would be contaminated to a point requiring heavy cleaning on a category 2 loss, and no photos supporting this. Cleaning equipment owned by a mitigation company is a cost of doing business.  

  • 56. Water Extraction & Remediation Technician - per hour 1.4hr

    • Removed this line. Labor included in lines above.

  • 57. Equip. setup, take down & monitoring – after hrs – 12.50

    • Changed to 3 hrs to setup equipment. 12.5 hrs is excessive, and anything past equipment setup should be included during normal business hours. 3 hours should be more than enough to setup 10 fans, 2 dehumidifiers, and 2 air scrubbers.

  • 58. Equipment setup, take down, and monitoring (hourly charge) – 5.75 hrs

    • Changed to 8 hours total. 6 hours total to monitor, 2 hours to take down.

Draft Settlement Email : I recommend sending something like below without going into a ton of detail. If they push back, I would request supporting photos for before, during, after mitigation work was completed and photos of equipment & I can help you write a detailed response.  

"Please see attached comparative estimate for mitigation work completed for Insured Name. There were a significant number of changes and I’ve outlined the major changes below.

Overhead & Profit

  • This was a single trade, and overhead and profit is not necessary on a loss of this size.

Category 3 Lines in Estimate

  • The leak was caused by a cold-water supply line, not a contaminated source such as sewage. This would normally be considered a category 1 water loss.

    1. As a compromise, I’ve estimated for a category 2 loss.

After Hours in Estimate

  • After hours lines should only be used to stabilize the loss. Any work past that should be done during normal business hours. Completing all work after hours is unreasonable.

    1. As a compromise, I’ve left lines related to directly stabilizing the loss as after hours.

The total for my estimate is $6,242.50. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. “

I appreciate you sending this in Adjuster Name. If you need any revisions made or need any further assistance on this claim, please feel free to reach out to me 

Claim Review and Comparative Estimate #2 

Hi (Adjuster Name)

For your Claim #XXXXXXX for your insured DOE, JOHN, I have finished my claim review and comparative estimate. The Comparative Estimate and Xactimate file are attached, and the review is below.

Recommended Settlement Amount: $7,096.94

Restoration Company Estimate: $15,207.32


  • They estimated by the hour for technician time & itemized the work performed resulting in double charging for labor.

    • Removed itemized lines that was just labor or changed to material only.

    • You could request daily ledgers as that wasn’t provided and number of hours seems excessive. If they provide daily ledgers, just forward them to me and I will revise estimate as appropriate.

  • They have included 10% overhead & 10% profit

    • I did not include overhead & profit. Based on the size and scope of loss, overhead and profit would not be necessary on this EMS estimate. They are only doing a single trade, Emergency Mitigation Services. O&P is to account for a general contractor when multiple trades are being preformed on a large loss.  


Estimate Changes:

Main Level

3. Moisture Inspection

  • Insurance Company does not owe for this. Cleaning & Remediation – Supervisory / Water Extraction & Remediation Technician / Emergency Service Call would include an initial inspection.

    1. Removed this line

4. Fuel surcharge

  • Fuel/Travel included in other lines

    1. Removed this line

5. Equip. setup, take down & monitoring - (hourly charge)

  • They increased price to $102.03, Xact price is $64.05

6. Equipment decontamination charge - per piece of equipment

  • Insurance Company does not owe for cleaning/maintenance of mitigation equipment. Equipment would not have gotten contaminated to the point where cleaning would be required.

8. Respirator - Full face - multi-purpose resp. (per day) // 10. Boots - waterproof latex - Disposable (per pair) // 13. Personal protective gloves - Heavy duty (per pair)

  • Gloves in photos are not heavy duty Nitrile.

    1. Changed to WTR PPE as a compromise. Includes PPE above what would be required for this loss. Qty of 2 for 4 days.

    2. Xact Description: Includes: Disposable coveralls, tape, gloves, and mask.

11. Content Manipulation charge - per hour (9hr)

  • 9 hours seems excessive. Changed to contents manipulation line based on room size. Photos do not support any additional time

12. Cleaning & Remediation - Supervisory - per hr (12hr) // 15. Water Extraction & Remediation Technician - per hour (9hr)

  • Based on size/scope of loss, all work should be able to be accomplished by a skilled technician.

    1. As a compromise, left 3 hours of supervisor time for initial inspection, remaining hours changed to WTR LAB

16. Containment Barrier/Airlock/Decon. Chamber

  • They listed price at 3.14, price in xact is $1.02

    1. Changed to Material only as they have already included labor in lines 12, 15, 5

17. Material Only Tarp - all-purpose poly - per sq ft // 18. Install Tarp - all-purpose poly - per sq ft

  • Changed to TMP – Tarp – Includes: All-purpose poly tarp, 1x4 battens, nails, and installation labor.

    1. This includes tarp and labor to install. Didn’t remove labor as a compromise

19. R&R Sheathing - plywood - 3/4" – treated

  • They have R&R – Remove and Replace

    1. Changed to Material only. I believe this is just for plywood in front of window.

    2. Need supporting photos to consider changing to R&R or Replace

Dinning Room

20. Dehumidifier – Large

  • They have unit price at $106.30. From Pictures Dehu is a dryez Revolution LGR 80 PPD. Changed to WTR DHM>

21. Air mover

  • They have unit price of $39.77. Xact Price for air mover is $26.77

23. Apply anti-microbial agent to more than the walls

  • They have already included labor in line 12 & 15. Changed to Material only as this line includes labor

24. HEPA Vacuuming - Detailed - (PER SF)

  • Detailed HEPA Vacuuming the entire room is overkill. Shouldn’t be overly contaminated.

    1. This is a labor cost/Equipment Cost, They have already included labor in line 12 & 15.

    2. Changed to HEPA Vacuuming Light as a compromise to cover equipment

33. Mask and prep for paint - plastic, paper, tape (per LF)

  • Not sure why they would be masking and prepping to paint during restoration. Not removing due to low amount

    1. Changed to material only as labor already included.

Hallway 1

27. Dehumidifier – Large

  • They have unit price at $106.30. From Pictures Dehu is a dryez Revolution LGR 80 PPD. Changed to WTR DHM>

28. Air mover

  • They have unit price of $39.77. Xact Price for air mover is $26.77

30. Apply anti-microbial agent to more than the walls

  • They have already included labor in line 12 & 15. Changed to Material only as this line includes labor

31. HEPA Vacuuming - Detailed - (PER SF)

  • Detailed HEPA Vacuuming the entire room is overkill. Shouldn’t be overly contaminated.

    1. This is a labor cost/Equipment Cost, They have already included labor in line 12 & 15.

32. Drill holes for wall cavity drying

  • This is a labor cost, They have already included labor in line 12 & 15.

33. Mask and prep for paint - plastic, paper, tape (per LF)

  • Not sure why they would be masking and prepping to paint during restoration. Not removing due to low amount.

    1. Changed to material only as labor already included.

Hallway 2

34. Dehumidifier – Large

  • They have unit price at $106.30. From Pictures Dehu is a dryez Revolution LGR 80 PPD. Changed to WTR DHM>

35. Air mover

  • They have unit price of $39.77. Xact Price for air mover is $26.77

37. Apply anti-microbial agent to more than the walls

  • They have already included labor in line 12 & 15. Changed to Material only as this line includes labor

38. HEPA Vacuuming - Detailed - (PER SF)

  • Detailed HEPA Vacuuming the entire room is overkill. Shouldn’t be overly contaminated.

    1. This is a labor cost/Equipment Cost, They have already included labor in line 12 & 15.

39. Drill holes for wall cavity drying

  • This is a labor cost, They have already included labor in line 12 & 15.

40. Mask and prep for paint - plastic, paper, tape (per LF)

  • Not sure why they would be masking and prepping to paint during restoration. Not removing due to low amount.

    1. Changed to material only as labor already included.


If Restoration Company pushes back on anything and you need help responding to them or if you need any revisions made, just let me know.

Claim Review and Comparative Estimate #3

Hi (Adjuster Name)

For your Claim #XXXXXXX for your insured DOE, JOHN, I have finished my claim review and comparative estimate. The Comparative Estimate and Xactimate file are attached, and the review is below.

Recommended Settlement Amount: $27,413.30

Contractor Estimate Total: $43,909.50

Main Level

Line #198 – “Dumpster load – per independent dumpster Company” Qty of 3 at $2500 for a total of $7500

-          Need invoice to support raising. $2500 is very high for dumpster of this size

Line #199 – “199. Generator - 35-90KW (per day - 24 hour) – no monitoring” – 6 days at $728.65 = 4,371.90

-          They used the daily charge. As this is over a few days, the weekly charge should be used.

-          After researching the generator, a Generac Mobile 25, this is a 25kW generator. They used line for 35-90KW

 Generac Mobile MDG25IF4 Generator (25kW) - SteadyPower.com

-          Used appropriate line GEN10WT  

Line#200 - Cleaning & Remediation - Supervisory - per hr – 8hr

-          Need supporting information on why a supervisor would be necessary. A skilled technician should be able to complete this work. Lowered to regular hours.

Line #201- Add for personal protective equipment – Heavy Duty

-          Photos of workers in Tyvek is not heavy duty, just regular Tyvek with n95. Regular line should be used

Line #204. Equip. setup, take down & monitoring - after hrs – 16 hours

-          Loss should only be stabilized after hours. Monitoring and takedown should be during business hours. Need ledgers/photos to support after hours charge.

Line #232. Fuel (per gallon) 75.00 GL - Fueling generator to run equipment

-          They left qty/cost at $0.00. Not sure if this is an error. Kept this the same. If this needs to be updated, let me know.

Line #239. Water extract from hrd surf flr - Cat 2 wtr – after hrs

-          Loss should only be stabilized after hours. Need ledgers/photos to support after hours charge.


Line #124. Tear out and bag wet insulation 1,156.67 SF

-          Doesn’t look like they subtracted garage doors. There are 2 single car garage

doors. Standard size is 8 x 7 = 56sf * 2 garage doors = Subtracting 112SF


Line #127. Tear out wet drywall, cleanup, bag for disposal

-          Doesn’t look like they subtracted garage doors. There are 2 single car garage doors. Standard size is 8 x 7 = 56sf * 2 garage doors = Subtracting 112SF

Line #129. Detach & Reset Dryer – Gas

-          Dryer looks to be electric from photos. Need photo or invoice from plumber showing this was a gas dryer with gas disconnect being necessary.

Kitchen Closet

Line #146. Content Manipulation charge - per hour

-          1hr seems excessive for a small closet. Changed to .5

Line #153. Remove Quarter round - 3/4"

-          Line included with tear out baseboard

Line #162. Tear out baseboard and bag for disposal

-          Changed to WTR BASE. Bagging only needed when hazardous or contaminated. Dumpster photo has unbagged baseboards as well

Line #235. R&R Interior door unit // Line #236. Remove Casing - 2 1/4"

-          Line used was remove and replace interior door unit.

o   This already includes casing so line #236 not needed

o   Xact Description: “Includes: Labor cost to detach and reinstall an interior door, jamb, stop, and casing (both sides), with new nails”

-          No photos of door/casing detached / replaced. Need supporting photo to change to R&R as this is a mitigation/demo estimate.

-          Changed to “interior door – detach and reset” and changed to .5 for just detach


Line #171. Tear out baseboard and bag for disposal

-          Changed to WTR BASE. Bagging only needed when hazardous or contaminated. Dumpster photo has unbagged baseboards as well

Line# 175. Remove Quarter round - 3/4"

-          Included with baseboard line

Line #177. R&R Interior door unit // 176. R&R Casing - 2 1/4"

-          Line used was remove and replace interior door unit.

o   This already includes casing so line #236 not needed

o   Xact Description: “Includes: Labor cost to detach and reinstall an interior door, jamb, stop, and casing (both sides), with new nails”

-          No photos of door/casing detached / replaced. Need supporting photo to change to R&R as this is a mitigation/demo estimate.

-          Changed to “interior door – detach and reset” and changed to 1.5 for just detach 3 doors/casings

Line #178. R&R P-trap assembly - ABS (plastic) – QTY 2

             - Line used was remove and replace

             - Changed to detach and reset, used .5 as detach only. 2 p-traps * .5 = qty of 1

Line #179. R&R Plumbing fixture supply line

-Line used was remove and replace

             -Changed to uninstall only

Line #183. Refrigerator - Remove & reset

-          Changed to .5 for remove only. Doesn’t make sense to reset before repairs are completed as it would have to be removed again.

Line #184. Range - gas - Remove & reset

-          Changed to .5 for remove only. Doesn’t make sense to reset before repairs are      completed as it would have to be removed again.


Line #163. Tear out baseboard and bag for disposal // 160. Remove Quarter round - 3/4"

- Changed to WTR BASE. Bagging only needed when hazardous or contaminated. Dumpster photo has unbagged baseboards as well

Line #166. R&R P-trap assembly - ABS (plastic)

             - Line used was remove and replace, changed to detach with qty .5

Line #167. R&R Plumbing fixture supply line

             -Changed to remove only

Line #237. R&R Interior door unit // 238. Remove Casing - 2 ¼”

             -Changed to detach only, casing included in line.

Living Room

Line #191. Tear out baseboard and bag for disposal // 195. Remove Quarter round - 3/4"

-           Changed to WTR BASE. Bagging only needed when hazardous or contaminated. Dumpster photo has unbagged baseboards as well

-          96LF seems incorrect as Floor Perimeter is 41.63LF. Changed to 46.63

Stairs (water heater closet)

Line #142. Vacuuming - (PER SF)

-          Changed to light vacuuming. Should be minimal amount of debris

Bedroom 2

Line #74. Tear out baseboard and bag for disposal – 42.17 LF // 75. Remove Quarter round - 3/4"

-          Changed to WTR BASE. Bagging only needed when hazardous or contaminated. Dumpster photo has unbagged baseboards as well

-          No doors in sketch, subtracting 4.5ft for 2 doors.

-          Line 75 included in tear out base

Line #78 - R&R Interior door unit // 79. Remove Casing - 2 1/4"

-          Line used was remove and replace interior door unit.

o   This already includes casing so line #236 not needed

o   Xact Description: “Includes: Labor cost to detach and reinstall an interior door, jamb, stop, and casing (both sides), with new nails”

-          No photos of door/casing detached / replaced. Need supporting photo to change to R&R as this is a mitigation/demo estimate.

-          Changed to “interior door – detach and reset” and changed to 1 for just detach 2 doors/casings  

Line #80 - Vacuuming - (PER SF)

-          Changed to light vacuuming as normal demo shouldn’t warrant any heavier cleanup.

Claim Review and Comparative Estimate #4

Hi Adjuster Name

For your Claim #XXXXXfor your insured Insured Name, I have completed the Water Mitigation review and Comparative estimate. The comparative estimate and Xactimate File are attached, and the review is below.

Recommended Settlement Amount: $7,862.38

Restoration Company Estimate Amount: $10,913.61

Water Mitigation Review


  • Price List: They used TXSA8X_JUN24. Correct price list is TXSA8X_MAY24 based on date work was performed. This results in a slightly lower price.

  • The mitigation work completed may be slightly excessive based on my understanding of the loss. If you can request/send me additional photos before mitigation started, I am happy to take another look. As estimate didn’t include many detailed photos, I left the amount of work the same and only changed issues with the estimate.

  • Restoration Company included Overhead and Profit

    • This is a single trade, water mitigation. Overhead and Profit is not necessary for a loss of this size and scope. Overhead and Profit should only be considered on a large loss with multiple trades where a general contractor would be required.

    • Did not include in comparative estimate.

  • After Hours Charges

    • Completing all demo work after hours is unreasonable. They were there multiple days, and loss should have only been stabilized. Demo should have been completed during normal business hours.

      • I would request daily time ledgers, photos before/during/after demo before considering after hours.

    • They have the emergency service call as during business hours, so I didn’t give them equipment setup after hours

    • Restoration Company is also open 24/7. When companies are open 24/7, they usually have people working shifts, so I would only consider after hours if they worked overtime past 8hrs on a single day.

    • If you want me to give them after hours on anything, just let me know.


Estimate Changes:

Main Level

  • Line 4. Equip. setup, takedown & monitoring – after hrs

    • Changed to regular hours. Loss should only be stabilized after hours, monitoring and takedown should take place during regular business hours

    • Restoration Company list business hours as 7 Days a week, 24 hours a day.

    • Need daily time ledgers to support after hours charge.

  • Line 5. Equipment decontamination charge – per piece of equipment

    • Insurance Company does not owe to decontaminate equipment. Equipment would not have gotten excessively contaminated from a loss of this scope. Equipment maintenance/cleaning is a cost of doing business

    • Removed this line

  • Line 7. Fuel surcharge

    • Fuel is already accounted for in other lines

    • Insureds home is 17 miles from Restoration Company office. This is well within what Xact includes so no additional fuel considerations need to be made.


  • Lines 9-15 – after hours charges

    • Loss should only be stabilized, and equipment placed after hours. Remaining work should be completed during normal business hours. Unreasonable to do all work after hours when there for multiple days.

    • Restoration Contractor list business hours as 7 Days a week, 24 hours a day.

    • Need daily time ledgers to consider changing

  • Line 18 - Equipment decontamination charge – per piece of equipment

    • Insurance Company does not owe to decontaminate equipment. Equipment would not have gotten excessively contaminated from a loss of this scope. Equipment maintenance/cleaning is a cost of doing business

    • Removed this line


  • Line 20. Protect – Cover with plastic – after hours

    • If contents are being moved out and reset, why would they need to be protected? 120 SF seems excessive for a closet

    • Changed to 40SF. Need supporting photos to consider increasing.

  • Line 20-28 - after hours charges

    • Loss should only be stabilized, and equipment placed after hours. Remaining work should be completed during normal business hours. Unreasonable to do all work after hours when there for multiple days.

    • Restoration Contractor list business hours as 7 Days a week, 24 hours a day.

    • Need daily time ledgers to consider changing

  • Line 21. Cold Air Return cover – Detach & Reset

    • No photos showing this was reset, as this is mitigation estimate, changed to remove

  • Line 26. HEPA Vacuuming

    • Loss does not seem to be severe/contaminated where this would be required. Anti Microbial, Cleaning Studs, Cleaning Floor, should be more than enough.

    • Changed to light vacuuming as a compromise.

  • Line 28. Clean floor

    • Carpet/Pad are already being removed. Floor underneath should have minimal debris needing to be cleaned.

    • Changed to Clean floor – light as a compromise.

  • Line 34 - Equipment decontamination charge – per piece of equipment

    • Insurance Company does not owe to decontaminate equipment. Equipment would not have gotten excessively contaminated from a loss of this scope. Equipment maintenance/cleaning is a cost of doing business

    • Removed this line